The Psych-K® process helps people from all walks of life with all kinds of goals. Jocelyne specializes in helping women identify, protect and free themselves from toxic relationships because she has walked that path herself and knows it well.
The Psych-K® process helps people move beyond the limitations of past beliefs and manifest new realities through expanded awareness and more choice. Real and lasting change occurs when conscious goals are supported by subconscious beliefs and programs.
Everyone can benefit from updating old programs that no longer serve and may even sabotage our conscious initiatives. If you would like to experience the benefits of the PSYCH-K® process, Jocelyne is available for private sessions, by phone or online.
The PSYCH-K® process is strictly limited to the modification of beliefs. The PSYCH-K® process is not designed to diagnose medical problems, nor is it a replacement for medical attention or professional mental health care.
• Our world is made of what we think – we create our worlds WITH OUR THOUGHTS whether we know it or not.
• The childhood banking (negative and positive deposits) and its effect: moving out of the conditioning aftermaths
• 95% of the time, our actions and behaviors are driven by our subconscious mind and patterns
• The subconscious always wins: psychologists say that 70% or more of the programs are dis-empowering, self-sabotaging and limiting
behaviors. Subconsciously you are playing the program of other people who do not support your desires. (Dr. Bruce Lipton) 1
• Extracting yourself from a world of constant chaos
• You have the power to create the world you desire
• Taking yourself out of the way. A true story to illustrate the point.
• Moving forward – co-create your life with purpose
• Media is taking over your brain slowly but surely – depression, laziness, sadness or dark thinking. It’s distracting and addictive,
somebody else is thinking for you – don’t let it happen.
• Controlling your mind set is a powerful key to spiritual freedom.
• Although PSYCH-K® doesn’t guarantee results and is not meant to heal, it engages the mind/body’s natural self-healing processes by
getting to the root of problems and working from a higher consciousness. All physical issues manifest on an energetic higher level
Research on Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) started in 1973 at the University of California with Dr. John Grinder and Richard Bandler as primary researchers. The NLP New Code, which I was trained in, was developed in the 1980s by Grinder, DeLosier and Associates.
NLP is about communication – it’s about recognizing or becoming conscious of how the brain makes sense of the world using the physical senses (visual, auditive, kinesthetic (feeling – touch – smell – taste) and how it translates or communicates it to the world. This is particularly helpful when we want to establish rapport with a client, a colleague, a member of our family or to enhance our communication skills. Just like Carl Rogers said “There are as many worlds as they are people”. Everybody experiences the world differently and therefore creates a world of its own that we can reach only by acknowledging the difference and responding to it in an appropriate way. NLP makes it easier to walk in somebody else’s shoe and understand their take of the world. It is about understanding better the mechanics of the lower mind functions, and learning patterns of excellence in communication, to model and practice in our personal or professional work for greater efficiency and success.
NLP also has a strong transformational component using techniques that work with the subconscious and superconscious to reframe beliefs, and eliminate phobias, for example. Reframing a belief, is like a change of consciousness.
In NLP the process depends heavily on the practitioner who models the techniques than guides the learner through them. The practitioner, in collaboration with the person, uses a variety of communication, transformational and hypnotic techniques that are complexed to learn and execute with mid and long-term outcomes. The success of the process depends much on the practitioner skills (personal and technical) and the trust and rapport established with the client.
The practitioner may take months and even years to acquire those specialized skills.
PSYCH-K® was originated by Rob Williams and Dr. Bruce Lipton. Rob Williams, MA developed PSYCH-K® in 1988. It is a culmination and distillation of numerous fields of study including Educational Kinesiology, NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), acupressure, hypnotherapy and various other psycho-spiritual healing systems.
PSYCH-K® is a groundbreaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates. It is a simple powerful process to replace subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging, with constructive ones, through a process of integration using the whole brain (left and right hemispheres). Its effect is immediate. It can significantly enhance and improve our life. It has a proven record of success for over 30 years.
It is a self-empowered process. You are the expert on you! Developed to be easy to learn and use, virtually anyone who is willing can learn how to use the tools in a two-day workshop and apply them immediately.
PSYCH-K® is a process that encourages and supports self-discovery and journey toward the true essence of one’s Self.
No, it’s not. It is a transformational process, not meant to heal but to free the person from limiting beliefs and replace them with more constructive ones that move the individual closer to its positive purpose. As a result of addressing the problem at its root, the physical state may improve. But the goal is not to heal.
“As you have learned, PSYCH-K® is based largely on Whole-Brain integration processes derived from years of brain research. Coupled with knowing how to effectively communicate your personal goals to the subconscious mind where they can do the most good, PSYCH-K® is an effective way to quickly and easily change outdated subconscious perceptions and beliefs that may be sabotaging your goals in life.” 2
• Determine a goal, a purpose – where do you want to go?
• Clarify your intention
• Make a strong statement to replace the old limiting belief. What makes for a strong statement?
• Position your body for the Whole-Brain (two hemispheres) state to integrate the new statement.
• What is the Whole-Brain state and its benefits?
PSYCH-K® provides the means to achieve a high level of collaboration within the brain to make all resources available for any given situation, expanding options available, with which to respond in any situation. Both hemispheres are fully engaged, fully integrated and communicating. It gives you full access to your internal wisdom. Critical thinking needs your whole brain. Solutions coming from the mind have blind spots: when one of the two hemispheres is privileged you get a limited quantity of resources and options.
• Why muscle testing? Muscle Testing is the easiest communication connection to the subconscious and superconscious levels for most
people. “Muscle testing is a non-invasive technique that acts as the gateway to the subconscious mind. Generally, muscle testing is
a way of questioning the body, and it will respond with the answers in the natural feedback system. It is based on the principle of
kinesiology with roots back in the early 1900s when R.W. Lovett started kinesiology to improve the patient’s movement.” 3
• Create action steps that get you closer to the life you want.
• Celebrate!
• Change is quick and enduring
• Stop self-sabotaging
• Better control of our life and state
• Physical, emotional, mental, financial, spiritual transformation
• Turning our life into something positive
• Reach out to new creative possibilities, healthy relationships
• Stop fighting, start building (unchain the last train wagon)
• Work life from the Higher Self and not the little self (human consciousness) – from the limitless and not from scarcity
• Being accompanied by a Facilitator
• Determine a goal
• Quiet, undisturbed place
• Pen and paper
• Glass of water
• Comfortable seating
• 30 min. free introduction session with Jocelyne
• Go on my website for testimonials
• How long a session?
• What’s the cost per session?
• How many sessions can I expect?
• When is the new belief in force?
• What is specific to a session on Zoom? Surrogation. Is it better in person?
• What’s a preferred PSYCH-K® Facilitator?
• How and where to reach me?
• Do health insurance cover for the session?
We are independent agents who have taken the PSYCH-K® Basic or Online Level 1 and Level 2 Workshops. You can find some biographical information to help you choose a Facilitator who is right for you on the PSYCH-K® Centre website. The PSYCH-K® Centre recommends our services because we have met certain standards beyond simply completing the PSYCH-K® Basic or Online Levels 1-2 Workshops. In addition, we have a licensing agreement with the PSYCH-K® Centre International to conduct ourselves with the highest integrity, and in a way that honors PSYCH-K®, as well as the individuals with whom we work.
The listing of PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitators is provided to individuals looking for the application of PSYCH-K® in a one-to-one private session format. The sessions are limited to the Facilitation of PSYCH-K® mainly for goal realization, in either a coaching or a therapeutic environment, depending on the professional qualifications of the Preferred Facilitator. 4
The PSYCH-K® sessions can be facilitated in person, online and by phone and they all have the same effectiveness. For the online and phone sessions the PSYCH-K® Facilitators listed in the PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator list, are trained to use a process called Surrogation to support you for the Muscle Testing. 5
In his PSYCH-K® Facilitator capacity of guiding you through the process, he will:
• Honor our power and responsibility in making the changes we seek.
• Have a more neutral, objective and detached take on the outcome
• Guide us through the process with credible muscle testing
• Help us clarify our goal, intention and phrase a strong statement
• Ensure all parts of our psyche are in accordance with the change we seek (seeks permission)
• Ensure the process is complete
Most self-help processes depend heavily on the skill of the Facilitator. PSYCH-K® is a do-with process that depends predominantly on the inner wisdom of the individual seeking change. It is designed to engage and activate the inner resources of the subconscious and superconscious minds. 6
By Jocelyne Durand, Consciousness 360
Preferred PSYCH-K® Facilitator and NLP Trainer
November 2023
1. 9/14/23/
2. January 1, 2013 Chapter 7 of Robert M. Williams’ book PSYCH-K®… The Missing Piece/Peace in Your Life. Kindle Edition
3. Muscle Testing: What It Is and How It Helps with Treatment, by Adam Mulligan 01 September 2021 © Copyright 2014–2023 Psychreg Ltd
4. Adapted from the PSYCH-K® Centre website
5. Idem
6. January 1, 2013 Chapter 7 of Robert M. Williams’ book PSYCH-K®… The Missing Piece/Peace In Your Life. Kindle Edition
“I wanted to tell you how much of a giant leap my life has taken in one week. I feel a strength I've never known. It's as if wings grew me and nothing is impossible anymore. Thank you very much for your welcome and the attention you have given me.”
Claudette Chayer, (Dominican Republic) (March 2024)
"I was very satisfied with the help Jocelyne gave me during our PSYCH-K session. She explained the process and then helped me phrase a positive goal statement to replace an old limiting belief. My mind being very intrusive, Jocelyne was very competent and attentive in providing me with a tool to facilitate the emergence of new beliefs to anchor in my subconscious."
Isabelle Uyttenhove - (France) (December 2022)
"The last three years I have done a lot of inner transformational work in order to complete past beliefs to learn to integrate new beliefs about how loved and appreciated I am in the world. These new beliefs lived as affirmations with one last and very vital piece left to integrate. These new beliefs were not yet held at a subconscious level, so they were weak and easily derailed by the mind.
I am eternally grateful to you Jocelyne who helped me to integrate these new beliefs at
a subconscious level. This Psych K experience with you has upgraded this whole experience of what is a belief and how do I let go of it and create something new and say something new and live like ALL IS WELL. There is a whole new world of being loved and appreciated available to live into now."
Marvin Miller - (Canada) (December 2022)
"Jocelyne has been generous of her time and expertise to really listen to me and identify a limiting belief to change. The restructuration brings a positive outlook on a situation that was once confused and more limited. Now that I have a broader perspective, supported by a new positive belief; I can explore many possibilities with more confidence and trust."
C.V. - (Ontario, Canada) (December 2022)
"A thousand thanks to you Jocelyne who accompanied me in my transformation, who helped me to reconnect with my initial essence; thanks to your precious listening, your guidance and your wise advice. I am very grateful to you!"
Monique Roy - (Québec, Canada) (January 2023)
"Last summer, I went through a very traumatic period where I was overwhelmed with fear, anxiety and difficulty seeing a solution to a problem. I could hardly sleep and my mind was rehearsing over and over what looked insurmountable.
Jocelyne helped me with the PSYCH-K® process. Within a few sessions, she helped me delve into the core of old beliefs that caused this event to have such a traumatic impact on me. I know from experience that it may have taken months or years to come to this peaceful place within myself. Yet it did, while the problem itself had not changed. With a peaceful heart, I could then see more clearly the steps I needed to take to remain serene through this challenge.
Impressed, I definitely was and still am. But mostly immensely grateful to have Jocelyne crossing my path when I needed it the most. With her, I feel completely secure and safe to face myself. Thank you so much, Jocelyne!"
Mariette G, (Quebec, Canada) (January 2023)
"The scenery around me is suddenly different. I feel like I have changed universes.
I don't recognize anything anymore, as if a spell had been removed from my life (my home, my animals and the reflection of myself in the mirror.)
I am totally amazed...
I can't wait for our next meeting.
Thank you for your time, you were very generous.
My life is changed, I am so relieved already. I never thought I would experience this freedom and peace so quickly, so soon, so strongly, especially after what I have been through lately.
Thank you, Jocelyne!"
RE, (Alberta, Canada) (January 2023)
"I am feeling better and better as time passes. My nervous system is being restored slowly but steadily. This is best thing I have done in many moons. It felt so unreal along the way. Thank you for helping me to see the light."
RP, (Ottawa, Canada) October 2023)
Click Below to book one of these powerful sessions that has the potential to change your life right now!