Un nouveau webinaire de 2 heures:
Les défis des relations difficiles
Ce webinaire transformationnel révèle :
* 3 clés pour entretenir des relations saines, fructueuses et nourrissantes
* 3 indices cachés de relations potentiellement nocives et ce qu’il faut faire dans ces cas-là
* 3 stratégies pour protéger votre pouvoir et vous permettre d’aller de l’avant même lorsqu'en
relation avec des personnalités difficiles et potentiellement dangereuses
What people are saying
"As a conflict management specialist, I have come to rely on Jocelyne for her expertise, compassion and in-depth knowledge of toxic behaviors, including personality disorders. Experts in conflict management turn to her for help and advice.”

Jo-Ann Fennessey
Founder, The Jo-Ann Fennessey Centre, Inc.
"Jocelyne’s webinar is extremely powerful and informative. I highly recommend it to everyone. Whether we want to improve communications or understand why a certain situation is so difficult to resolve, this webinar addresses it all. It is life-changing!"

"Jocelyne helped me re-frame my situation, understand the challenges, reassess my ability to face the personality issues involved, consider lessons learned from a similar workplace experience, and develop new ways to maintain my personal integrity in the process. Thank you, Jocelyne!”

"This webinar is great—filled with powerful information about difficult personalities. But in addition, Jocelyne tells you how to deal with them! She's a great instructor and her webinar is extremely helpful and informative. I definitely recommend it to everyone! You’ll be glad you attended!”

Annette Biddle